【時事英文】林作涉JPEX案被捕 虛擬貨幣交易網絡紅人英文點講?


發布時間: 2023/09/19 12:19

最後更新: 2023/09/20 17:34






1. 虛擬貨幣交易

Cryptocurrency Trading

例句︰With the rise of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency trading has become increasingly popular.(隨著比特幣的崛起,虛擬貨幣交易愈來愈流行。)

2. 林作被捕

例句︰News broke out that Joseph Lam was arrested on charges of fraud.(有消息傳出,林作因涉嫌詐騙被捕。)

而其他英文報章則是用Police arrested four men and two women – including the influencers Joseph Lam Chok來表達林作被捕。

3. 網絡紅人作推廣

Influencer Marketing

例句︰Many businesses are turning to influencer marketing as a way to reach younger audiences.(許多企業都轉向網絡紅人作推廣,作為接觸年輕人群的方式。)

4. 詐騙平台

Scam Platform

例句︰Be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true, they might be a scam platform.(對於看似太美好的任何優惠要保持警惕,它們可能是詐騙平台。)


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撰文 : Spencer Lam 學博教育聯合創辦人、英文補習導師